Osho Dance Meditation

The Dance Meditation is a tribute to Osho. This one-hour experience guides you into the space of meditation through dance, silence, hugging and celebration.
“Dancing meditation is about letting go into your body. Most people are stiff in their bodies; they are not using them. When you allow your body to dance and let go you start feeling a lot of pleasure, especially when you allow it to move in a free flow. You start to enjoy yourself and then meditation space starts to happen.
Dancing is fantastic bodywork, and when you are leading a dance meditation inspire people to follow you. That’s what happens when you let go and are in tune with the music without planning anything. The more you let go, the more people will let go.
If you lead a dance meditation it is very important that people get turned on. If there is no passion, no lust or no energy in it, then it becomes automatic. It has to be sexy and juicy, otherwise it’s difficult to go higher and to fly into ecstasy. Dance releases a lot of pleasure in your body. People often get ashamed about it and are judging themselves, and as a consequence they contract and control their body movements.
When you are leading a meditation, give space for people to explore and be playful – because sometimespeople come to the meditation with a lot of expectations (enlightenment, wanting to have amazing experiences, inner fireworks, constant orgasm, etc). They can become very serious about it, and miss the point. Meditation is simple; it’s about just being – without any stories. People need breaks from the heaviness of their stories, so they can breathe out and say, “This is me.” The more you help people to be lighter and to start laughing about their stories, the more they come home to themselves.
I would also like to talk about the music of the Osho Dance Meditation. If you always do the meditation with the same music, it is as if you are digging at the same spot and the meditation gets deeper and deeper. With practice you not only get deeper into it, but also when you simply hear the music, it triggers the same meditative space.” …Chandrika