Personal Education Course
Personal Education Course
€ 3.150,00
This is the ideal program for personal growth and development. The course consists of six weekend workshops of 3 days each, spread out over a period of nine months. Each workshop will address a specific topic that you encounter in daily life.
This is the ideal program for personal growth and development. The course consists of six weekend workshops of 3 days each, spread out over a period of nine months. Each workshop will address a specific topic that you encounter in daily life.
You may start the Personal Education Course at any time, with any of the workshops listed on the right.
The format of the nine-month program has several advantages: You do the workshops with a training group of peers, which creates an atmosphere of safety, trust and companionship. This lets you access more of your emotions, your vulnerability and your potential. The dynamic relating and growing friendships in your peer group will make your progress very noticeable to you.
During the periods in between the workshops you integrate your experiences in your daily life and have time to practice applying what you have learned.
There will be a sharing at the beginning and end of each weekend workshop with your course counselor and fellow trainees. This gives you the opportunity to discuss your progress and to support you in integrating the course with current issues and your daily life.
If you wish to continue your studies, these workshops can be accredited towards the first year of the Therapist Training.
In order to confirm your participation in the Training and formulate your personal goals for the year, you would take part in an initial Training Interview Session with the course counsellor. You can book this session here on our website.