Humaniversity aims to deliver a high quality of service and care. We are always interested to know if persons attending Humaniversity are satisfied and happy with our service and if it can be improved in any way.
From time to time, a person may have a concern or believe that there is a reason to make a complaint. If you have a concern or complaint about a product purchased from Humaniversity (‘Humaniversity Product’) or a Humaniversity program or service or about the way in which you have been treated while at Humaniversity (‘Humaniversity service’) you may express your concern or lodge a complaint by following the procedure below. In this document, a person making the complaint is called ‘the Complainant’.
Expressing Your Concerns
- In the first instance, a Complainant should seek to resolve their concerns by talking directly with the person who provided the Humaniversity service or product (‘Representative’). The participant can expect that their concerns will be treated promptly and with courtesy.
- If the Complainant cannot reach the Representative or sincerely believes that their concerns have not been properly dealt with, he/she can make a Registered Complaint.
Registered Complaint
- A Registered Complaint is when a person wishes to formally register dissatisfaction about a Humaniversity service or product and is sufficiently concerned about it that the Complainant wants it to be brought to the attention of the Complaints Committee but does not seek a formal inquiry or judgment. A Registered Complaint is made by letter or email sent to the Humaniversity Complaints Officer; no special form is needed.
- Within 7 days after receiving a complaint the Complaints Officer will:
- acknowledge the receipt of the Registered Complaint;
- enter the Registered Complaint in the Register of Complaints; and
- refer the Registered Complaint to the Complaints Committee.
- Within 30 days of the receipt of the Registered Complaint, the Complaints Officer will:
- write to the Complainant to confirm that the Registered Complaint has been passed on to the Complaints Committee as a matter of record;
- explain any response which may have been made by the Complaints Committee; and
- explain what remedy, if any, is proposed by the Complaints Committee and the deadline for implementing the remedy.
If the Complainant is not satisfied that the complaint has been properly respected or appropriately dealt with, then he/she may lodge a Formal Complaint.
Formal Complaint
- A Formal Complaint is made when a person wishes to formally record their dissatisfaction with a Humaniversity service or product and expressly requests the Complaints Committee to investigate it and pass written judgement with a view to obtaining a specific remedy acceptable to the Complainant.
- Formal Complaints must be in writing using the Humaniversity Complaints Form. This form may be accessed on Humaniversity’s website and completed and delivered online as explained on the website. The online application may also be printed, completed by hand and sent by mail. Alternatively, a hard-copy version can be obtained at Humaniversity’s Booking Office and hand-delivered or sent by mail. It is important that the Complainant provides full details of their problem or concern and, wherever possible, the dates and times when the events of their concern took place.
- Within 7 days after a Formal Complaint is received, the Complaints Officer shall write to the Complainant confirming receipt of the Formal Complaint and its delivery to the Complaints Committee.
- Within 7 days after the Complaints Officer has confirmed receipt of the Formal Complaint, the Complaints Committee shall consider whether it is admissible. If it decides that the Formal Complaint is not admissible, the Complaints Committee shall inform the Complainant in writing giving their detailed reasons. If the Complaints Committee decides the Formal Complaint is admissible, the Complaints Committee shall (a) ask the Representative to provide it with a written response to the complaint; and (b) provide the Complainant with a proposed plan for dealing with the Formal Complaint together with an indication when a decision can be expected.
- If the Complaints Committee forms the view that a decision cannot be made on the basis of the written statements received so far, then the Complaints Committee may obtain additional information through further communications with the Complainant and/or the Representative, in writing or in person, as required.
- Within 30 days of a Formal Complaint, the Complaints Committee shall make a judgement (‘the Judgment’). The Judgment shall: (a) be in writing, (b) be sent to the Complainant within 2 days of being made and, (c) set out the course of action decided by the Complaints Committee to resolve the Formal Complaint.
- To allow for proper examination of all relevant issues, the Complaints Committee may extend this period on two occasions up to a total of 30 additional days. Where such extension is necessary, the Complaints Committee shall notify the Complainant within 7 days, giving the reasons for the extension and indicating when the Judgement can be expected.
- If all parties are satisfied with the Judgement, then all findings and decisions made in the Judgment shall be binding upon Humaniversity, the Representative and Complainant. The Judgment and its consequences shall be implemented by Humaniversity as quickly as possible within a deadline agreed between the Complaints Committee and the Complainant.
- If the Judgment or the handling of the Formal Complaint procedure is not satisfactory to any of the parties, then an appeal may be made to the Independent Complaints Mediator who is a third party not working for or, under the control of, Humaniversity.
A Formal Complaint is not admissible unless made within 14 days of the last day of the Humaniversity service or product received by the Complainant. An extension of time shall be allowed if the Complainant provides good reason why a complaint could not be made earlier.
Formal Appeal to Independent Third Party
- An appeal can be made to the Independent Complaints Mediator by sending a written request by post.
- Within 7 days of being requested by Independent Complaints Mediator, the Complaints Committee shall provide them with a copy of the Judgment.
- Stichting Humaniversity and the Representative shall make every reasonable effort to cooperate with and assist the Independent Complaints Mediator to reach a final decision as soon as possible.
- The decision of the Independent Complaints Mediator is binding upon Stichting Humaniversity and the Representative. The decision and its consequences shall be implemented by Humaniversity as quickly as possible within a deadline agreed between the Independent Complaints Mediator and the parties concerned.
‘Stichting Humaniversity’: is the legal name for the organization which provides services under the name Humaniversity. It is registered with the Chamber of Commerce at Alkmaar and holds the registration number KvK Alkmaar 41150542. It is operated under the guidance of a Board of Directors as follows:
Mrs. Marie-Anne Klappenberger-SimonMrs. Ursula Carrivick-ZimmermannMr. Jan KraalMr. Oliver Klappenberger- SimonMrs. Guilia Rubini
‘Humaniversity product’: includes any physical and digital products (including but not limited to music, books, clothing, and other merchandise) offered for sale by Humaniversity by any means including Humaniversity’s website.
‘Humaniversity service’: includes any training, program, course, workshop, class and individual session, its content and, the way it has been delivered or presented.
‘The Representative’: is any staff member or teacher or other person, employed by or representing Stichting Humaniversity, who provides or assists in the provision of a Humaniversity service or product.
‘Complaints Committee’: means the committee specifically established by the Board of Directors of Stichting Humaniversity for the purpose of examining complaints under this procedure. The Complaints Committee is comprised of at least one member of the Board of Directors and three senior members of Humaniversity staff, none of whom are the Representative or the subject of the complaint which has been made. Membership of the Committee may change from time to time; to find out the existing members, please contact Humaniversity Complaints Officer.
‘Humaniversity Complaints Officer’: meansMr. Jan Kraal.
‘Independent Complaints Mediator’: meansDaphne Rouwenhorstdr Coaching & TrainingAdmiraal de Ruijterweg 39-11057JV Amsterdam06-29407490
All complaints made will be treated as confidential by Humaniversity personnel and only communicated or discussed with a view to a proper investigation and effective resolution.
Complaints and the manner of their handling, and any time limits applicable to the handling or outcome of a complaint shall be recorded and kept.All records relating to any complaint shall be kept for a minimum period of one (1) year.
Contact Information
Stichting Humaniversity:
Dr. Wiardi Beckmanlaan 4,1931 BW Egmond aan Zee, NetherlandsTel. : +31-(0)72-5064114Email: