Tourist Program

A Typical Day in the Program

“This is a deep emotional odyssey, and it is balanced with many loving and caring friendships.”
– Veeresh, Founder of the Humaniversity

The program is highly structured with an almost around-the-clock schedule aimed at keeping you as active as possible. By keeping your mind and your body occupied, your heart will have the space it needs to open.

You start with an early wake-up for an active meditation with other members of the community. This is followed by breakfast and house cleaning. A group session before lunch gives you the opportunity to work on emotions, and after lunch there is time for a beach walk or visit to the village.

In the afternoon there is a bodywork session or sharing with the Tourist Program Leader and your fellow Tourists. After dinner there is an evening class before going to bed or hanging out and relaxing for a bit longer.

The participants of the Tourist Program form a close ‘family’ within the community of the Humaniversity. You will move, wake up, dance, express, eat and share together. Living and working so closely with others will bring up feelings, and these can be worked out and healed in the sessions. By living communally instead of behind closed doors, you will get to know each other very quickly and be able to give each other the support that you each need.

The Therapeutic Techniques

  • Role-Playing and Psychodrama
  • Hugging
  • Emotional Healing
  • Bodywork
  • Martial Arts
  • Creativity and Theater
  • Encounter
  • Sharing
  • Sexuality and Sensitivity
  • Social Meditations
  • Weekend Workshops


Please call us at +31 (0)72 506 4114 for more information or to register.

Eventually you will participate in a 30 min Interview Session in order to confirm that this is the best program for you at this point and to establish how you personally can benefit the most from it.

Book Interview

Before you arrive, you will need to submit a two-page life story dealing with the following issues:

  • What was your childhood like?
  • What kind of family did you have growing up?
  • How was your relationship with your brothers, sisters and parents?
  • Were there any shocking experiences (loss of loved ones, hospitalization, etc.) in your life?
  • Do you have friends or intimate relationships? How close? For how long?\
  • What are your hobbies?
  • How do you see yourself now, and how would you like to be in the future?

We recommend that you get to know our work by participating in an Humaniversity workshop or AUM Meditation prior to enrolling in the Tourist Program.

You will begin the Tourist Program with an intake talk to review your life story and identify the issues that you would like to work on.

The price includes food, accommodation, the weekend workshop and the intake talk.

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